
The Steering Committee shall consist of the President; the Provost; the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; the Dean and one elected representative of each of the Faculties of medicine, engineering, and business administration; the Dean of Graduate and Advanced Studies; and six members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, two from each Division. Three of these six members shall be appointed for three-year terms by the Committee on Organization and Policy, and three shall be selected by the Committee on Organization and Policy from its own membership. The President of the College shall be the Chair of the Steering Committee; in the absence of the President, the Provost shall serve as Chair. Newly elected and appointed members assume office on the first day of the summer term; those members chosen in a regular election or appointed for full three-year terms shall be ineligible to succeed themselves.


  • To call meetings of the General Faculty upon its own initiative, or upon petition by members of the General Faculty as explained in Section B above.
  • To set the agenda for all meetings of the General Faculty.
  • To transmit all communications on behalf of the General Faculty
  • To establish and eliminate Committees of the General Faculty, and to appoint members thereto, to study and/or make recommendations on any matter of common concern to the faculties of this institution. Reports and recommendations from such committees are received by the Steering Committee, which may then submit them for deliberation and/or action to the General Faculty, a Council of the General Faculty, or the separate Faculties.
  • To prepare and to distribute the minutes of the meetings of the General Faculty.
  • To provide a continuous assessment of the organization, membership, functions, and purposes of the General Faculty and to propose such modifications as may be in accord with the responsibilities of the General Faculty of this institution. Any amendments of the charter of the General Faculty will become effective upon ratification by the separate faculties of arts and sciences, medicine, engineering, and business administration.