
The Public Art Committee serves on behalf of the College to propose, review, and plan all projects for public artwork on Dartmouth College campus. Public artwork is defined as all artwork in shared or public spaces on Dartmouth College campus.

The Public Art Committee is tasked with reviewing all proposals for changes or additions to public art on Dartmouth College campus. In reviewing public art proposals, the committee is asked to make recommendations to the provost's office about the appropriateness of a proposed public art project. The provost's office will have final authority on approving or denying proposals for public art on campus.


Minimums of five voting members, or their delegates, are required to conduct business. A simple majority will decide the matter for all Public Art proposals. The Director of the Hood Museum of Art conducts the business of all meetings and should appoint a substitute in their absence.

Motions shall be passed with a simple majority of Committee members. Staff members shall not vote. When matters are of particular urgency, members of the Committee may be polled by telephone or e-mail.    

The Public Art Committee shall meet on an as-needed basis as determined by the committee chair. A written agenda of all projects under consideration shall be circulated to Committee members prior to meetings.

The director shall be the individual ultimately responsible for setting the agenda for the Public Art Committee. Any member of the Dartmouth College community may make recommendations to the public art committee in consultation with the director. The director should vet all public art proposals before raising them with the Committee for consideration. If the director's recommendation is not supported by a majority of the other voting members of the committee, the director may refer the matter to the provost for resolution. 


The committee shall consist of the following standing members:  

  • Director of the Hood Museum of Art who will also serve as chairperson of the committee;  
  • The Dean of Libraries or their designated representative;
  • A representative of the Provost's office;
  • A representative of the Advancement Office;
  • A representative of Facilities Operations & Management;
  • A representative of the Hopkins Center for Arts;
  • A student representative of the Hood Museum of Art Museum Club;
  • A student representative of the Hood Museum of Art Interns;
  • Hood Museum curators (without vote).

In addition to the committee members listed above, the committee will include no less than two faculty representatives drawn from the following list:

  • A representative of the Art History faculty appointed by the chair of the department;
  • A representative of the Studio Art faculty appointed by the chair of the department;
  • A representative of African and African American Studies faculty appointed by the chair of the department;
  • A Representative of Asian Societies Cultures and Languages faculty appointed by the chair of the department;
  • A Representative of Latin American, Latino & Caribbean Studies faculty appointed by the chair of the department;
  • A Representative of Middle Eastern Studies faculty appointed by the chair of the department;
  • A Representative of Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies faculty appointed by the chair of the department;
  • A Representative of Native American Studies faculty appointed by the chair of the department;
  • A Representative of the Anthropology faculty appointed by the chair of the department; or
  • A Representative of the Classics faculty appointed by the chair of the department. 

The museum's assistant to the director shall serve as secretary to the committee. As needed, other museum staff will provide assistance from their areas.  

Membership (AY25)

Executive sponsor

  • David Kotz, Provost


  • John Stomberg, chair, Virginia Rice Kelsey 1961s Director of the Hood Museum of Art
  • Mary Lou Aleskie, Howard Gilman '44 Executive Director of the Hopkins Center for the Arts
  • Jennifer Casey, Assistant Vice President of Recognition & Stewardship
  • Ada Cohen, Professor of Art History, Israel Evans Professor in Oratory and Belles Lettres
  • Tarek El-Ariss, James Wright Professor and chair of Middle Eastern Studies
  • Susanne Mehrer, Dean of Libraries
  • Ashley Offill, Curator of Collections
  • Israel Reyes, Professor and chair of Spanish and Portuguese
  • Tricia Treacy, Professor and chair of Studio Art
  • Kenya Tyson, Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation
  • Joanna Whitcomb, Director of Campus Planning
  • Barbara Will, Vice Provost for Academic and International Affairs and A. and R. Newbury Professor of English
  • Melissa Zeiger, Associate Professor of English and chair of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Staff support

  • Polly Lui, Administrative Assistant, Hood Museum of Art