
Dartmouth's University Seminars bring together faculty members from across the institution to study and discuss topics of common interest in depth and on a continuing basis. Broadly interdisciplinary, University Seminars are meant to engage faculty with topics that transcend specialization and narrow focus. The structure and enrollment of each seminar is at the discretion of faculty leaders, and may include postdoctoral fellows, research faculty, collaborators from local institutions (like Dartmouth Health, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory or CRREL, and Northern Stage), and collaborators from other areas. Seminars typically meet starting in the fall and continuing through spring of one academic year and meets occur every other week or once a month over a meal. The Office of the Provost will fund a modest budget. The University Seminars program has funded topics including Computational Science and Modeling and The Medieval Seminar.

The application deadline for the 2025-2026 academic year has passed. Contact Vice Provost for Academic and International Affairs Barbara Will with questions.