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To the Guarini community,
I write to provide an update on negotiations between Dartmouth and GOLD-UE.
The Dartmouth and GOLD-UE bargaining teams met on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024. At this meeting, GOLD-UE presented its economic proposals. (Prior meetings were focused on their non-economic proposals.) GOLD-UE requested increases in compensation and an expansion of existing benefits.
These requests include an approximate 38 percent stipend increase, guaranteed funding for six years, expanded childcare, medical, dental, and vision benefits, expanded vacation, sick leave, and leave of absence, and additional leaves of absence. These leaves are in addition to other types of employee assistance, some of which are for international students only. Following this presentation, there is much to review and consider, and we are beginning this work. We expect it will take time.
I am happy to report that the parties reached a tentative agreement on the Discipline and Discharge provision. This provision protects Dartmouth's ability to address academic misconduct and academic-related poor/non-performance through its existing policies, separate from employment-related misconduct and poor/non-performance.
The parties also exchanged revised counter proposals on non-discrimination, International Employee rights, and Intellectual Property and Research Misconduct. They are considering ways to reach a middle ground on the remaining areas of disagreement. We are hopeful that we will reach tentative agreements on these soon.
Dartmouth remains committed to working with GOLD-UE to reach a mutually beneficial agreement and appreciates the efforts of the GOLD-UE bargaining committee.
Our next bargaining session is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 1. Following that meeting, I will provide additional updates. The provost's website provides an overview and FAQs about the graduate union organization at Dartmouth.
David Kotz