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David Kotz is the Provost, and the Pat and John Rosenwald Professor in the Department of Computer Science, at Dartmouth College. He previously served as Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Sciences, as a Core Director at the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health, and as the Executive Director of the Institute for Security Technology Studies. His current research involves security and privacy in smart homes, and wireless networks. He has published over 270 refereed papers, obtained $89m in grant funding, given over 200 invited lectures, and mentored over 100 research students and postdocs. He is an ACM Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, a 2008 Fulbright Fellow to India, a 2019 Visiting Professor at ETH Zürich, and an elected member of Phi Beta Kappa. He received his AB in Computer Science and Physics from Dartmouth in 1986, and his PhD in Computer Science from Duke University in 1991.
Weijia He, Nathan Reitinger, Atheer Almogbil, Yi-Shyuan Chiang, Timothy J. Pierson, and David Kotz. Contextualizing Interpersonal Data Sharing in Smart Homes. Proceedings of the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), volume 2024, number 2, pages 295–312. July 2024. doi:10.56553/popets-2024-0051. [Details]
Taylor Hardin and David Kotz. Amanuensis: provenance, privacy, and permission in TEE-enabled blockchain data systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages 144–156. IEEE, July 2022. doi:10.1109/ICDCS54860.2022.00023. [Details]
Shengjie Bi and David Kotz. Eating detection with a head-mounted video camera. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, pages 60–66. IEEE, June 2022. doi:10.1109/ICHI54592.2022.00021. [Details]
Varun Mishra, Florian Künzler, Jan-Niklas Kramer, Elgar Fleisch, Tobias Kowatsch, and David Kotz. Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT/UbiComp), volume 5, number 2, article 74, 24 pages. ACM, June 2021. doi:10.1145/3463492. IMWUT Distinguished Paper Award (DPA). [Details]
Visiting Professor, ETH Zürich (2019-20)
Fulbright Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Science (2008-09)