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To the Dartmouth community,
We write in the wake of more tragic killings in the U.S., this time at a supermarket in Buffalo, N.Y., by a white supremacist gunman who targeted Black people, killing 10 and wounding three, and in Laguna Woods, Calif., where one man was killed and five others wounded at a Taiwanese church service. In both cases authorities have characterized these murders as hate crimes.
Our hearts are broken for the families who have lost loved ones and for the nation, particularly those for whom these latest tragedies conjure up feelings of grief, fear, and anger. The sad reality is that there is so much senseless violence occurring in the world, we could never respond to each incident. And honestly, words can fall short at times like these.
As an academic community, let us come together in solidarity, focus on our strengths, and rely on the scholarly work of faculty and community events focused on race, history, and systemic oppression to shed light on these reprehensible acts. One such event will take place on Monday. We encourage you to come hear Martin Luther King III speak on the day that will commemorate the 60th anniversary of his father's visit to Dartmouth. King's remarks will focus on how we can recommit to movements focused on racial equity and condemn race-based violence.
Six decades have passed since Martin Luther King Jr.'s historic visit to Hanover, and while some progress has been made, what happened in Buffalo and Laguna Woods and the racially motivated violence we witness all too frequently across our country remind us that there is still work to do to realize Dr. King's enduring call to end racial hatred.
Should you find yourself in need of support at this time, please use the resources available to you, including the Dartmouth College Health Service Counseling Center, wellness services for employees and for students, the William Jewett Tucker Center, and the Faculty/Employee Assistance Program.
In addition, the Office of Pluralism and Leadership invites students to gather in community during OPAL Tea this Friday, from 2 to 4 p.m. in Collis 211, or to attend the tea virtually. Details on a dinner at the Shabazz Living and Learning Center will be shared through the advising area, student organizations, and the Employee Resources Networks Listserv.
In community,
David Kotz '86, Provost
Shontay Delalue, Senior Vice President and Senior Diversity Officer